Applicator Dissa
1. Place a white sheet of paper on the table.
2. Place on this sheet the DISSA applicator with the steel detector upwards.
3. Put a transparent glass or plastic container with bottled potable water or filtered tap water on the DISSA applicator. Water with calcium (Ca)~10-20 mg/liter fits perfectly. This information can be found on the bottled water label. The water with such calcium concentration is the best one to be dissymmetrized. A container with portable water can be placed nearby the DISSA applicator, but not further than 15 centimeters from the applicator. The DISSA applicator is able to dissymmetrize the whole pack of potable water simultaneously.
4. The optimal time to keep a container with water on the DISSA applicator is 12-15 minutes.
5. It is recommended to drink dissymmetrical water in small portions, approximately 50 ml every half an hour. The recommended daily volume of water is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. So, an individual with the body weight of 60 kg is recommended to drink 1.8 liters per day. The minimum intake of water is 300 ml per day.
6. Put the applicator back into the pack upon each using.
Terms of us:
Keep the applicator out of high temperature and friction while its using.
Use and store it at least 1 meter away from electrical appliances and sources of high-frequency radiation.
DISSA applicator retains its dissymmetrizing properties within 3 months from its first use. Upon 3 months of use the material degradation occurs, and the dissymmetry coefficient of the applicator will decrease at an exponential rate over a brief period of time.
Dissymmetrical water can retain its properties in the closed container for a long time (from 3 to 12 months!), depending on the water source and the calcium concentration.
The conducted studies have ascertained definitely that DISSA applicator changes the following physical parameters of potable water:
- changes the pH toward alkalization,
- reduces the redox potential,
- improves the taste (adds some sweetness and slightly carbonates),
- changes the chemical composition and utilizes toxins,
- increases the alcoholic beverages strength and improves the taste.
DISSA Applicator is absolutely safe and non-toxic.
Drinking dissymmetrical water at recommended daily intake has no contraindications and side effects.